About The Author

Paxton Quigley is the author of the best-selling women’s gun self-defense book series ARMED & FEMALE (hard cover, E.P Dutton; paperbacks, St. Martin’s Press), NOT AN EASY TARGET (Fireside), STAYING ALIVE: ARMED & FEMALE IN AN UNSAFE WORLD (Merril Press) and ARMED & FEMALE: TAKING CONTROL (Merril Press). She has taught personal protection strategies to more than 7,000 women in the U.S. and abroad.

Tom Brokaw on NBC Nightly News called her “guru” to millions of women. Morley Safer on 60 Minutes referred to her as “the great persuader.” Oprah Winfrey described her as “an expert on women, on home intrusions, and rape.”

No stranger to the media, Paxton Quigley has appeared on more than 300 TV and radio shows, including Oprah (twice), Sixty Minutes, The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Larry King Show, Oprah (twice), Chris Matthews, Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect, NBC Nightly News (twice), CBS Evening News,” “Fox & Friends, “NPR: All Things Considered, Entertainment Tonight, Extra (six times), Access Hollywood, Court TV, The Sean Hannity Show, The Howard Stern Show, and Chris Matthews.

Paxton Quigley

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